


Aus Transnational-Renewables


  • G. Czisch (Vortrag), Low Cost but Totally Renewable Electricity Supply for a Huge Supply Area – a European/Transeuropean Example, Energy and Nanotechnology Workshop II: Prospects for Solar Energy, James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, Environmental and Energy Systems Institute, Shell Center for Sustainability, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA, Oktober 2004
  • G. Czisch (Vortrag), Least Cost Electricity Supply for Europe and its Neighbours Entirely with Renewable Energies, European Geosciences Union 1st General Assembly, Nizza, April 2004
  • G. Czisch (Vortrag); Kostenoptimales Versorgungssystem zur Stromversorgung Europas aus regenerativen Quellen - Windstrom als Leistungsträger einer nachhaltigen Stromversorgung, Internationale Tagung: Erneuerbare Energie für die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Suisse Eole & EnergieSchweiz, Bern, Februar 2004
  • G. Czisch (Vortrag); Perspectives of an Electricity Supply Entirely With Renewables Engaging HVDC Transmission on large European and Transeuropean Scale, Centre universitaire d'etude des problemes de l'energie (CUEPE), Universite de Geneve, Battelle batiment A, Genf, Februar 2004